CONCRETE POLISH PRO specializes in turning dull gray floors into works of art whether it is a residential, commercial, industrial, or retail setting. For high traffic areas, polishing an existing slab is an excellent option and costs much less than installing a new floor covering. Polishing concrete and applying densifiers harden the surface and make the concrete denser and much more resistant to spills and stains. The process also offers long-lasting durability and extremely low maintenance costs. It is also eco-friendly and prevents the inevitable removing and replacing of flooring necessary after its life cycle.
All of our professional technicians are HTC Super FloorTM Certified and trained in the HTC SuperfloorTM method for polishing concrete, and all of our machines are purchased from this company. In order to achieve all technical benefits demanded for calling the surface a HTC Super FloorTM, the grinding and polishing sequence must be performed according to their strictly prescribed method. Let us provide you with a free estimate and an analysis of your concrete flooring project needs. Polished Concrete and Concrete Surface Prep Service Locations: Polished Concrete Myrtle Beach Concrete Surface Prep Wilmington Concrete Surface Prep Myrtle Beach Concrete Surface Prep Charleston Concrete Surface Prep Columbia |
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